Phil Knox on making friends.


24-01-2024 • 50 minutos

Making friends isn’t as easy as it sounds.

In some ways, it seemed easier when we were kids. Now, finding friends can feel impossible. In this episode, Phil Knox, the author of The Best Of Friends: Choose Wisely, Care Well, discusses the meaning and importance of friendship. Phil shares his personal experience of loss and how true friendship helped him through difficult times. Phil and I explore the role of faith and friendship in grief, setting boundaries and communicating needs, and the power of presence in friendship. We also discuss the definition of friendship, choosing friends, and determining who our real friends are. Trust me. You want to listen to this one.

Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:

  • Surround yourself with friends who bring spiritual life and influence you positively.
  • To become a better friend, spend time with Jesus and learn the art of friendship.
  • Developing deep and lasting friendships takes time, patience, and vulnerability.
  • Friendship is a gift that has significant health benefits and is essential in combating loneliness.
  • Four key ingredients for making friends: time, vulnerability, sacrifice, and presence.
  • Popular people are not interesting; they are interested.

Learn more about Phil’s ministry. Follow him on Twitter. Also, as mentioned in the episode, check out his new book, The Best of Friends.

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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.

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