Andi Andrew on embracing change.


06-03-2024 • 46 minutos

Do you like change?

When I first met Andi in a church office in lower Manhattan, neither of us had any idea of the transition we would face in the coming year. In this conversation, Andi Andrew, author of the new book Braving Change: Release the Past, Welcome Growth, and Trust Where God is Leading You, and I discuss the challenges and opportunities of personal transitions. We explore the role of guides in navigating change and the importance of processing grief and loss. More than anything, we discuss the need to release the past and create a game plan for moving forward. As you listen, I hope you are encouraged to view change as an opportunity for growth and transformation, allowing it to shape and mold us into the likeness of Christ.

Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:

  • Transitions can be challenging but also purifying, exposing hidden idols and self-sufficiency.
  • Processing grief and loss is essential for moving forward healthily.
  • Releasing the past and embracing change requires recognizing the need for obedience and integrity.
  • Creating a game plan and practicing gratitude can help navigate transitions and foster growth.
  • Rhythms of rest are crucial for maintaining balance and well-being during times of change.

Discover more about Andi on her website, Read her new book, Braving Change. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Email us at You can follow MercyCast on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

You can follow Raleigh Sadler on Twitter and Instagram.

For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.

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