The Talking Toddler Coach|Speech & Language Development, Parent Education, Toddler Activities, Developmental Milestones

Heather Randolph

Hello amazing Moms and Dads! Do you wonder what typical speech and language development looks like in the toddler years? Are you overwhelmed by frequent tantrums? Have the months crawled by while your little one is on a speech therapy waitlist? Have you tried everything you know to do - ideas from family, friends, online, countless internet searches - and just haven’t seen much progress? Do you wish you had a place to go to for support and helpful tips? Welcome - I’m glad you’re here! I’m Heather Randolph, pediatric Speech Language Pathologist. I’ve had the privilege of working with toddlers and their families since 2011 and saw waitlists increasing in size every year; which meant families were not being served in a timely manner - if at all. This broke my heart! I wanted to create something that was easily accessible with doable content for moms and dads - just like you - who really desire to know how to help their toddler communicate more. This podcast will give you information to know what typical speech and language development looks like, to know when you might need to seek extra support and where to go, along with practical tips and tricks to help you and your child at home. You’ll learn action steps to take that will help you go from feeling overwhelmed to calm, hopeful, and confident. If you’re listening in while commuting to work or folding never ending laundry or - gasp! - you’ve found a quiet corner with a great cup of coffee, let’s get to this! Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered speech therapy, nor does it replace speech therapy. read less
Niños y familiaNiños y familia


Ep 09 5 Tips on How to Pick a Toy for Your Toddler
Ep 09 5 Tips on How to Pick a Toy for Your Toddler
Hi y’all!   Let’s talk about toys and toddlers in today’s episode.  It’s not about the latest and greatest, it’s about engaging your child in play; which is their preferred way of learning. Thank so much for stopping by and listening in! Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any topics you would like discussed on this podcast.  This is for you and I want it to be as relevant as possible - for YOU.  Reach out:   Grab your copy of The Talking Toddler Checklist or the Quick Guide to Speech Development.    Visit: Resources: Choosing safe toys:,the%20back%20of%20the%20mouth   Tips for choosing Toys for toddlers from Zero to Three:   Choose the ‘right’ toys:,unsafe%2C%20toxic%20or%20flammable%20materials.&text=To%20survive%20a%20child%27s%20repeated,of%20stable%20and%20solid%20materials.   Educational Toddler Toys (I am not affiliated with this company, I just liked what I saw.):   Good Housekeeping recommendations:
Ep 07 Why is Play Important for My Child?  Let’s Talk about What Play is and What it is Not
Ep 07 Why is Play Important for My Child? Let’s Talk about What Play is and What it is Not
Play is POWERFUL.  I’m going to show you why in this episode, by telling you ten things play is and is not.  My goal is, by the end of this, you are encouraged to keep playing with your child.  That you’ll see that your child learns valuable skills for life when he or she is stacking blocks, feeding a teddy bear, or pretending to stir cake batter.   Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any topics you would like discussed on this podcast.  This is for you and I want it to be as relevant as possible - for YOU.  Reach out to   Grab your copy of The Talking Toddler Checklist or the Quick Guide to Speech Development.   Visit: Resources: Development of Play:   Benefits of Play:   Baby Games Calendar from   Five Ways to Play:   Play with a 1-3 month old babies: clap your baby's hands,for your baby to imitate.   Play with 3-6 month old babies:   Play with 6-12 month old babies:   Activities for a one-year old:   Activities for a two-year old:   Activities for a three-year old: puzzles together with your,with play dough or clay   Research on not enough play: 65 percent of one,nearly one third of children.
Ep 04 How Do I Get my 2 Year Old to Talk? Part 1
Ep 04 How Do I Get my 2 Year Old to Talk? Part 1
If you’ve ever asked yourself:  how do I get my two year old to talk?  (Or insert the age of your child.)  Hi and welcome!  I’m very excited you’re here and I hope today’s episode and this three part series gives you valuable and actionable information for you and your little one.  For the next three episodes we will dive into three different strategies that you can use every day to help your little one increase their communication.  I’m going to admit, today’s strategy is not easy for mamas and dads, but it IS very effective.  Cue the Beastie boy’s song Sabotage, because we’re going to be talking about sabotaging your little one when it comes to helping them attempt to talk more.  In this episode, I’m going to help you take stock on your interactions with your your kiddos and how you might actually be inadvertently hindering them from practicing talking.  I’ll do my best to keep it short and sweet and please stick around to the end for today’s talking tip.   Reach out and let me know how this is working for you.  Or let me know what you want to know about when it comes to your toddler's communication.  Email me at: Check out free resources for you:   Referenced links: Baby signs: Baby signs: Contact Heather:
Ep 03 5 Ways to Read One Book to Your Child
Ep 03 5 Ways to Read One Book to Your Child
Books are treasures that are crucial to your toddler’s development, not only for speech and language, but also for cognitive, emotional, and social development.  This episode will give you five different ways to read one book to your child.  I hope this will help you to get creative, have fun, and provide a rich, meaningful experience for you and your kiddo. Please geek out on this topic and click on the references below.  There is a lot more information contained in the links below that I didn't have time to cover.  Honestly, I could have an entire podcast just about reading to toddlers. We will revisit this topic more in the future. Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any topics you would like discussed on this podcast.  This is for you and I want it to be as relevant as possible.  Reach out to   Grab your copy of The Talking Toddler Checklist or The Quick Guide to Speech Development. Visit:   References:,how%20to%20handle%20challenging%20feelings.,again%20with%20repeated%20readings%20%5B1%5D,books%20over%20and%20over%20again!
The Talking Toddler Coach - Trailer
The Talking Toddler Coach - Trailer
Are you a worried mom of an incredible kiddo who is not talking as much as you think he or she should?  Or maybe you’re frustrated because you're on a waitlist for your little one to have a speech evaluation?  Have you tried everything you know to do - ideas from family, friends, online, countless internet searches - and just haven’t seen much progress? Do you wish you had a place to go to for support and helpful tips?  Where someone can come alongside you and help you feel confident about increasing your child’s communication?  This is the place.   Hi, I’m Heather Randolph, a pediatric speech language pathologist and I created this podcast for you.  My passion is to empower mamas - just like you - to help their children talk or talk more.  You are in the right place and I am beyond thrilled that you’re here.  Welcome!   While this podcast does not provide speech therapy, it will provide you with the information for realistic expectations, practical tips and tricks, action steps, how to be consistent with using what you learn here in your daily mama life, some simple mindset shifts, and learning if/when to seek more help.  With an honest, encouraging, non-judgmental approach, this podcast will help you go from uncertain to calm; from helpless to hopeful, and from confused to confident.     Listen in while commuting for work or running errands.  Or if you’re at home and have a rare few moments to yourself, grab your coffee or a quiet corner.  Let’s go.   Next Steps: Send a question or say hi: Grab some freebies on the website: