The Art and The Easel

Aaron Chism & Gina Garcia

The Art and The Easel is a podcast dedicated to the mindful exploration of creatives and the art that emanates from their souls. The intention of this platform is to take listeners on a spiritual journey, one that involves a deeper dive into the inner trials and the unseen success that lie behind the art that we’ve come to appreciate. It is our hope that you leave each story inspired to make your contributions to the world through creative expression and garner the empathy needed to support the makers because they are indeed The Art & The Easel… read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


The Natural Flow
The Natural Flow
Join us for an engaging podcast as Adriana, the visionary behind ACE Naturals, shares her inspiring journey. She begins by introducing the inspiration behind ACE Naturals and her unique perspective on balancing family, health, and self-care. Adriana discusses the importance of exercise, hints at the future of ACE Naturals, and stresses the significance of community building. She reflects on personal growth since starting the business, contemplates expansion, and shares her vision for the future—bridging both business and spirituality. This episode offers a glimpse into Adriana's entrepreneurial spirit and her holistic approach to life and well-being. 1:00: Mindful Moment3:00: Adriana introduces herself and shares the inspiration behind ACE Naturals.4:20: Adriana discusses her interpretation of 'The Art and The Easel.'5:30: Advice on supporting family without imposing healthy habits.8:28: Adriana delves into self-care and her personal practices.11:50: Discussion on the importance of exercise.12:50: Insights into the future of Ace Naturals and the business.14:30: Emphasis on the significance of building community.17:50: Adriana's vision for creating a space for growth.20:00: Adriana reflects on self-reminders and maintaining perspective.26:30: Reflection on personal growth since starting the business.31:40: Considerations on expanding to different regions for selling.33:20: Adriana contemplates whether she's 'The Art or The Easel.'35:00: Adriana shares future plans for her business and spirituality.
The Journey Back
The Journey Back
Join us for a thought-provoking podcast episode featuring Indu Damodar, a tech professional who is currently on a mission to rekindle her childhood creativity. Indu discusses her unique perspective on creativity, equating it to the essence of love and challenging conventional views on the relationship between creativity and art. She shares her criteria for what doesn't qualify as art and ponders whether she embodies 'The Art' or 'The Easel.' Indu's inspiring journey takes us through stepping outside her comfort zone to heal her inner child and the powerful forces that propel her toward greater creativity. Tune in for a captivating exploration of the profound connection between creativity and art in the context of Indu's inspiring story. 1:00: Mindful Moment 5:54: Indu talks about her career in tech and her journey back to her creative side that was much more prominent when she was a child.  6:50: Indu describes how she approaches the thought of being more creative.  9:35: Indu describes her definition of what art means to her, and how it’s very similar to the definition of love.  14:20: Indu talks about the relationship between art and creativity, and how creativity doesn’t have to necessarily create art.  17:45: Indu describes what isn’t considered art in her opinion.  23:33: Indu describes whether she is The Art or The Easel  26:30: Getting outside of her comfort zone to heal the inner child 28:00: Indu describes what pulls her to being more creative.
The Forum for Anything
The Forum for Anything
Join cohosts Gina and Aaron in this insightful podcast episode as they embark on a journey through the creative process and the intricacies of navigating the digital age. They kick off with an engaging introduction and a mindful moment, setting the tone for a reflective conversation. Throughout the episode, they explore the fine line between being a critic and a creator, diving into the challenges and benefits of receiving feedback in the comment section of one's work. They emphasize the importance of taking breaks from social media to maintain mental well-being and the art of finding balance in everyday life. Gina and Aaron delve into the fascinating topic of intuition, discussing its significance and the physical sensations it can evoke. They explore how intuition plays a role in the act of creating and the potential pitfalls of creating solely from ego. The episode wraps up with a glimpse into the art that excites them, leaving listeners inspired and introspective about their own creative journeys. 0:00: Introduction + Mindful Moment 3:00 : Evaluating the difference between a critic and a creator 8:!0: How much attention should artists pay to the comment section of their work 13:00: The importance of taking a break on social media 15:20: Being able to silence the noise in the midst of chaos 19:30: Seeking Balance in everyday life 21:20: intuition importance and how it can be felt in the body 25:00:  Intuition and how it relates to the act of creating 28:00: When your creation is made out of ego 35:00: What art are you excited about?
The Seeded Fruit
The Seeded Fruit
In this engaging podcast episode, Chef Zain shares her inspiring story of growing up in Texas with Mauritian roots and the influence of Indian culture on her cooking. She opens up about her journey to being vegan and why she prefers not to be labeled as such, touching on the spiritual aspect of cooking and the guidance she receives from her late father's spirit. Chef Zain discusses how her passion for cooking developed and the profound impact her mother had on her culinary path and motivation. The conversation explores the connection between diet and overall health and dives into Chef Zain's plans beyond personal cheffing, including her interest in spiritual growth and maintaining a balance between her spiritual self and everyday life. Tune in for insightful tips on cultivating a makeshift garden and the significance of seeded fruits, making this podcast a delightful listen for food enthusiasts and those seeking personal and culinary inspiration. 1:00: Meditation (Mindful Moment)  3:30: Chef Zain shares her story of how Mauritian roots 9:30: Chef Zain discusses her Indian Influence on cooking 10:50: The term "vegan" 14:30: Chef Zain discusses discovering her passion for cooking 24:00: Cooking as a spiritual act 26:50: Diet and correlation to health 35:30: Chef Zain describes her favorite exotic fruits 39:00: The importance of seeded fruits 42:20: Chef Zain discusses her hope for the future 44:50: Zain discusses how to make your own garden 49:20: Spiritual Growth and being a normal human