Sunday, 4th June 2023 - Part 2 - The journey from Advent to Easter and beyond.

Trinity High Wycombe and Cores End United Reformed Churches - Sermons 1 year ago. #AllAreWelcome

06-06-2024 • 12 minutos

  • Reading: Matthew 28.16-20 (Good News) read by Norma
  • Short Address Trinity Sunday marks the culmination of the Christian year, reflecting on the journey from Advent to Easter and beyond. Our church is named Trinity Church, emphasizing the unity and diversity of God's nature. The disciples worshiped Jesus, recognizing him as both truly human and divine. Doubts and questions are allowed in the journey of faith, and there is room for sceptics within the church. Jesus declares his authority over heaven and earth, bridging the divide between the divine and human realms. The commission is given to spread the universal message of God's love to all people. The message is for everyone - all backgrounds, all sexualities, all races, and all religions. Baptism is a way to immerse people in the love of God and introduce them to the lifestyle of following Jesus. Learning and obedience are essential in deepening our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Jesus promises to be with us always, even though unseen, and provides tangible signs of his presence in the sacraments. The worship concludes with gratitude and assurance that Jesus is with us until the end of the age.

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