Getting in touch with your feelings Today we are talking about feelings. Have you ever felt like you were mad for days about something? Or maybe you have been sad about something for a long time? Do you feel your emotions have imprisoned you in places you don’t want to be? I am not talking about being in the first stages of grief or trauma healing. I am talking about things that present themselves as you walk through your day and things come up. Me too! Until I started looking at things carefully and then I realized that it isn't one feeling but a cycle of feelings, one leading to another. Some research suggests that we only feel an emotion for about 15 seconds. What we perceive as long-lasting anger is really a cycle of emotions related to each other.
While we may react to something with anger it might turn into things like guilt, feeling perturbed, or irritated, it might bring up anxiety, or in the end, perhaps you can trace it all the way to feeling unloved, and sadness. Learning how to accept and trace your feelings back to a root is extremely valuable. For one you can really understand why things make you mad, or sad, which can help you in your relationships. Being able to not just be angry during an argument but to be able to discuss why the situation made you angry or sad or whatever it was that you felt. Being able to understand this reaction can help you have deeper and more fulfilling relationships.
Music by @TrackTribe Just to let you know, this information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical credit. PLEASE BE SURE TO CONSULT A HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FOR GUIDANCE SPECIFIC TO YOUR CASE. Trigger Warning: The episodes on the i care about you podcast, YouTube channel and podcast episode may, at times, cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, psychedelics, and the use of plant medicines. You are advised to refrain from watching or listening to the YouTube Channel or Podcast if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics #feeling #feelings #emotions #emotionsandfeelings #changing #selfjourney #changeyourlife