Pleasure is Ours

Sprinkle Sparkle

14-12-2022 • 1 hora 18 minutos

It's the last episode of our season, and we’re spending it with Dr. Kaila Story, an Associate Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies… and an original pleasure ninja. Kaila and Nubia unpack the complexity of experiencing pleasure in a world that expects you to dress and act in certain ways in order to earn respect. “If you're a black woman in the public sphere, your identity has to be digestible, and something that people can consume. And if they can't, they don't know what to do with it,” Kaila says. She says Black women and Black queer women can claim confidence in whatever way feels authentic to them. “So you might not be comfortable showing skin or wearing bold colors, but you embrace the black woman next to you who sees your confidence in that. And you might find confidence in another realm.” Kaila says the key is “to celebrate all those ways that we as individuals access pleasure, joy and power, and we can come to these places of empowerment, and they can be diverse and varied and multifaceted.” Listen in and get ready for a little sprinkle sparkle! This episode is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Ralph Story… the original Doc Story. — That’s it for season one of Sprinkle Sparkle! Please tell us what you think! What did you like, what do you want more of, and most importantly, how did you center your pleasure today?

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