198. God’s Strength Through Recovery: 7 Bible Verses to Pray-Faith Friday

Treasured Wellness- Biblical Mindset, Holistic Health, Christian Midlife, Improve Energy over 40, Overcome Fatigue & Stress

29-09-2023 • 12 minutos

Are you needing God's strength through your current recovery process?  You may need to recover physically, emotionally/mentally or spiritually.

You can stand on these 7 verses to pray over yourself as you are leaning into what God says in His word.

God’s word is where you will find your peace & strength through this recovery time.

God is still healing. God is still sovereign. God is still on His throne and He still delights in you. He has compassion for you. Whatever you are going through God knows. He is aware and He wants you to stay close to Him.

I pray this encourages you today! XO, Michelle


  • Jeremiah 17:14
  • Isaiah 40:28-31
  • Isaiah 58:8
  • Ps 41:3
  • Ps 50:15
  • 2 Tim 1:7
  • Eph 3:20,21

**If you need help in making healthier food and lifestyle choices, I have opened up a few more spaces and extended the sale for a Food & Lifestyle review session.

We will take 1 whole hour to have my eyes on your food and lifestyle routines, habits and to spot potential causes for fatigue or just not feeling like you want to feel.  This also includes a  follow up call 2 weeks after session to see how you are doing with the implementation of the changes we discussed.

Join me in my FB Group, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated in your health https://www.facebook.com/groups/933692933927629

Want more FREE tips on how to regain your energy in a natural way using clear daily action steps along with some delicious and supportive recipes?

Grab my FREE Foggy and Fatigued Blueprint

Let's DO IT!! Know that you want to be ALL IN for 4 months of intentional lifestyle change and rid your body of toxic inflammation? Want to also improve your immune system as you begin to implement fresh, consistent changes? I have your back! Make the changes you need to move the needle forward in your health in a way that is doable.

The SHAPE ReClaimed Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle Modification Program is for you!

**Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/

YouTube AND https://actsmediagroup.net/radio-free-america-internet-radio/

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