What We’ve Learned In The Wild - with my besties Sarah & Michelle

The Word On The Sleep

15-03-2022 • 53 minutos

This episode was pretty special to record - I had the chance to sit down and actually have a real, in-person conversation with both Sarah and Michelle about storytelling as medicine and what we’ve learned in “The Wild”.

Michelle is the creator of the Wild Collective, a transformative women’s health program that Sarah and I both facilitate.

Through being Wild Collective Facilitators, we have watched women step into their most authentic selves, reclaim their voices, share their dreams and go after them.

And we’ve also seen how many women stay stuck (and struggle with sleep at night!) because they don’t give themselves permission to listen and challenge the stories they tell themselves.

So in this episode, we share some personal stories and share how you can get started on reclaiming your “wild”, too.

My next Wild Collective starts Tuesday, March 22nd - if you want a spot (spaces are limited), you can read more about the program and register here: www.thewildcollectiveuxbridge.com