Everyone Has A Story - Christopher Eaker

Meet Me At The Table

08-07-2022 • 31 minutos

The "Everyone Has A Story" shorts are 15 to 30 minute discussions with someone in the community who has a story to tell about their life with the church. Christopher Eaker was raised in a Southern Baptist church where he felt pressure to conform to a certain standard. When he became an adult, he grappled with the faith he grew up in. He did not like how the church presented itself as some kind of spectacle. For years, Christopher and his wife attended a house church with no more than 20-30 people. Christopher talks about why they left both the house and Anglican church, what started his deconstructing journey, and about becoming a Spiritual Director. Christopher ends with great remarks to the church. You can find this on regular podcast sites by searching Meet Me At The Table and we are on most social media platforms. http://meetmeatthetable.show Feel free to reach out to us on ANY of those platforms to talk, discuss, or even be a guest! If you can't find us there, you can email us at MeetMeAtTheTablePodcast@gmail.com Lastly, help us to reach those that need this in their life. Wherever you listen or watch, please like and promote as much as you feel comfortable with. We appreciate it and look forward to hearing from you! Links from our discussion: https://www.steppingstoneslife.com/ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2621892.Jon_Zens https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/138445.Wayne_Jacobsen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglicanism Also, check out The Messy Spirituality Podcast at https://www.patheos.com/blogs/messyspirituality/

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