Season 4 Epsisode 22 July Overview and Energetic Overwhelm

Hex and the City

30-06-2024 • 29 minutos

This week we dive into the July cosmic overview and how to navigate the energetic overwhelm brought on by Saturn's Retrograde.

July begins with Venus trining Saturn on the 2nd, asking us to look at what we have learned about what drives us from a passionate, heart-centered place and use that as our inspiration when making decisions throughout July. The New Moon on July 5th is one of the best this year for setting intentions that will manifest an up-leveling in love and relationships. If focusing on work- especially regarding a better work culture, this is a powerful moon as Cancer rules the home and family, asking us what we want in our work environment and teams. Month, watch out for unnecessary conflict on Monday, July 15th, when Mars is conjunct with Uranus - tempers may flare, and conflict can be avoided if taking a breath before responding.

Mercury then enters its shadow period on Tuesday, July 16th, before retrograding on August 4th. So it's best to get contracts and new projects in motion in the first half of July if possible. We then wrap up the month with the second "money moon" in Capricorn on July 21st, which also occurs as Mars, the planet of action, trines Pluto, the planet of transformation. This opens the door for big changes and acceleration.

All things Cardsy B

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