The case against Web3

Onchain Medley

12-05-2022 • 49 minutos

In this episode, Laide chats with Tante (a.k.a. Jürgen Geuter) about his criticism of blockchain and the web3 ecosystem. Tante also shares what counter-arguments or applications will turn him from skeptic to believer.

Tante is an independent theorist working at the intersection of technology, politics, and social sciences. He currently works at a media art company but also writes articles for his blog and for many major publications. Tante studied computer science with a minor in philosophy. He's a self-proclaimed luddite and generalist. Tante doesn't own any cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

Topics & Timeline

  • 2:23 - Tante's background
  • 3:40 - When Tante first learned about NFTs
  • 7:10 - Tante's issue with Art and NFTs
  • 12:29 - On the discovery problem for artists
  • 14:50 - On digital vs physical art
  • 17:57 - On other Web3 applications
  • 26:14 - Privacy advocates and owning your data
  • 29:05 - When it makes sense to use a blockchain
  • 36:45 - Web3 and similarities to cultism
  • 41:54 - Areas of improvement for Web3 if it's indeed here to stay

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