Being a Leader Under Construction with Laércio Albuquerque at Cisco

Let's Get Proximate - Powering an Inclusive Future with Alex Allen and Callie McKee

20-07-2023 • 49 minutos

To create a truly inclusive community, leaders have to maintain a posture of humility and remember that there’s always something new to learn.

On this episode, hosts Alex Allen and Callie McKee are joined by Laércio Albuquerque, Vice President of Cisco Latin America, who explains what it’s like to be “under construction” as a leader who consistently tries to build themselves into something better.

To continue a journey of growth, Laėrcio offers wisdom to his fellow leaders:

- Remove the cloud of judgment from your eyes so that you can see other people clearly.

- Never think you’ve learned everything there is to know about a person or community. They will always have something new to teach you.

- Never let a person’s position or title (or lack thereof) color your perception of them, or alter the level of respect you give them.

This humble mindset is the first step in becoming a truly inclusive leader.

Laércio Albuquerque -

Cisco | LinkedIn -

Cisco | Website -

Alex Allen -

Callie McKee -

You can find a human-verified transcript of this episode here. -

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