Overcoming False Narratives To Build a More Inclusive Society with Jack Naidoo at Cisco

Let's Get Proximate - Powering an Inclusive Future with Alex Allen and Callie McKee

09-08-2023 • 45 minutos

Becoming aware of race and the challenges involved can be an incredibly difficult process, and this is even truer in countries where inequality is deeply ingrained.

On this episode, we chat with Jack Naidoo, People and Communities Leader at Cisco. Jack is a fierce advocate for DEI in all he does and is driven by his experiences growing up in a divided and racist South Africa.

We dive into a ton of different topics, including:

- Jack’s background and the experiences that led him to where he is today.

- Becoming aware of his race in the cultural context of South Africa.

- Jack’s experience having different names and deciding which one to use professionally.

- Some of the challenges Jack has faced in his career.

- The importance of getting proximate and learning about differences to overcome false narratives around people of color.

- What are some of the barriers to creating a more inclusive society where everyone can be their most authentic selves?

- Jack’s experience working and promoting DEI across three continents.

Jack Naidoo -


Cisco | LinkedIn -


Cisco | Website -


Alex Allen -


Callie McKee -


You can find a human-verified transcript of this episode here. - https://docs.google.com/document/d/16qmkpz8Gpn18taT1XwrffxGLR5U6JAeofJOr4aMThNA/edit?usp=sharing

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#DEI #Diversity #Innovation #Transformation

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