Ep 294 Pen to Paper: How Journaling Can Help You Stop Over-Drinking

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

29-08-2024 • 30 minutos

I am delighted to dedicate a full podcast episode on JOURNALING!

I get asked all the time, 'Why do I need to journal?' 'Do I have to journal?' 'I hate journaling' 'I don't know how to journal.'

And this episode goes into 3 areas:

Why do I need to journal?

How to Journal?

What to do with the journaling after.

The big takeaway is this: Journaling helps you see how your mind is responding to things. It helps you learn about yourself more and it helps you connect with yourself on a deeper level and when you do that you are more capable of changing your behavior (like the over-drinking).

I hope you enjoy this episode!

Ohhh, and guess what's coming back in September? The Wine Free Work-week Challenge,
Check it out here www.angelamascenik.com/wfww

4 spots left in the Cancun + Coaching opportunity, don't miss it:

Check out Alive AF! here:

Apply to work with me privately here:

Stop Over-drinking, Angela Mascenik, stop drinking podcast, how to feel, how to overcome addiction, how to drink less wine, change your relationship with alcohol, coach for women who want to drink less alcohol, help to stop over-drinking, stop over-drinking, life coach to help stop over-drinking, self-love, importance of self-love, online membership to stop over-drinking, program to help quit alcohol, how to quit drinking, spouses, partners, food, overeating, moderation, sober retreat, how to prioritize yourself, make yourself a priority to drink less, mental health, mental health and alcohol use, mental health awareness month, how to stop over-drinking, how to stop drinking so much wine, life coach for women who drink too much, overcome your biggest fears, journaling, why do I journal, how do I journal, what do I do with the journaling after