Humans and Earth

Chara Armon

The Humans and Earth Podcast offers inspiration and practical resources for healing our planet and ourselves. We interview environmental regeneration experts, Earth-oriented wellness mentors, and spiritual teachers. It's time for humanity to collaborate with Earth to restore her flourishing and our own. Listen to gain support for your contributions to regeneration.

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Grounding to Earth for Transformation with Rachael Te Wano (63)
Grounding to Earth for Transformation with Rachael Te Wano (63)
Whether Rachael Te Wano is in sessions with clients or leading travel to sacred lands, she shares tools of embodiment and self-activation. She helps her clients align with their highest potential, unravel the threads of their destiny, heal at the origin, and activate the inherent wisdom within their DNA. She loves to say, “a grounded women will change the world.” Find her work at  Rachael is a deeply grounded, peaceful, and empowered healer, teacher, and guide. In our conversation, she shares:  Why grounding to your own Earth Star Chakra is your solid foundation. “To be embodied, stable, and deeply connected opens up a space for us to vibrate at a higher frequency and be aligned to our inner voice.” How grounding to your Earth Star Chakra helps if you’re feeling resistant to life on Earth, and teaches you about authentic connection.How to ground to your own Earth Star Chakra. “This is our birthright: to receive this beautiful re-weaving of connection to Mother.”It’s an exercise in receiving, which for many of us isn’t a strong area.She’s seen grounding to the Earth Star Chakra help people heal mentally and physically and heighten their creativity and empowerment. Why embodied spirituality is important: if it’s not enhancing your everyday reality, what’s the point?How she learned about self-transformation by healing her finger that was scheduled for amputation. What Ocean taught her this year about our relationship with Earth’s waters.What happens when you live as a custodian of the land you inhabit.Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
Manifest a Healed World: Abiola Abrams (62)
Manifest a Healed World: Abiola Abrams (62)
Can we create our reality? Hear renowned coach Abiola Abrams and Chara discuss: Why it matters for us to take full responsibility for our lives and manifest consciously, not unconsciously.Why it’s important to realize that the mindset and manifestation approaches taught in recent decades actually are age-old and global and connect to neuroscience.The new discovery that some of the past century’s prominent mindset teachings originated from a black Ethiopian rabbi who taught in New York in the 1920s.3 simple tools for being a conscious co-creator and a conscious receiver of what you desire to experience.Why this isn’t spiritual bypassing or toxic positivity.How your self-transformation can help heal and re-story the worldWhat to do if you’re having trouble believing in what you desire to create. “The shift I want to invite everyone to make is to realize that we all are infinitely powerful …and allow ourselves the expansiveness to think about possibilities…” Abiola Abrams ABIOLA ABRAMS is an award-winning author of FROM IMAGINATION TO REALITY and AFRICAN GODDESS INITIATION, in addition to being an intuitive coach, keynote speaker and columnist, creator of goddess oracle cards, and faculty member of The Omega Institute, The Shift Network, and Hay House Summits. Abiola studied sociology at Sarah Lawrence College and has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Abiola is mommy to Ruby and the first-generation American daughter of multi-generational healers, seers, and farmers in Guyana, South America, who are descended from several West African nations. She is passionate about midwifing conscious leaders to breakthrough and using her gifts to inspire, uplift, and transform. Learn more about her work at and on social media at @abiolaTV. Find a free gift from Abiola at Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
59 Remaking a World in Crisis: Osprey Orielle Lake
59 Remaking a World in Crisis: Osprey Orielle Lake
Osprey Orielle Lake is the founder and executive director of the Women's Earth and Climate ActionNetwork (WECAN). She works internationally with grassroots, BIPOC and Indigenous leaders, policymakers, and diverse coalitions to build climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized clean-energy future. She sits on the executive committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and on the steering committee for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. She is the author of the award-winning book Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature, and her new book, The Story Is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis. Learn more at   In our conversation, Osprey shares: When systems are crumbling, as they are now, we must decide what we want to create instead. We’re in a process of composting systems of oppression and co-creating with the web of life the world that we want to live in.Why it’s crucial to listen to women and Indigenous and black and brown communities if we want to lift everyone up and support the web of life.Why “we need community as we tend to the world.”How to be aware of your ancestral connection to land.How to engage in solution-building so you feel less overwhelmed.Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
56 You're Part of the Democracy of Frequency
56 You're Part of the Democracy of Frequency
What does it mean to be part of the democracy of frequency?We all get to choose, in any moment, what frequency we are holding: rage or despair, joy or peace; fear or irritation, love or inspiration, discontent or gratitude. As we can learn from wise voices such as recent Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nargess Mohammadi, or others such as Nelson Mandela, Elie Wiesel, and Immaculee Ilibagiza, even when we are imprisoned in dire circumstances, we have a choice about what our internal energetic and emotional state is, and what we are then able to offer to the world. Tune in to hear how:Choosing our energetic state may be our highest contribution to healing our planet and harmonizing the human-Earth relationship. This is because life on  Earth operates as a democracy of interconnected lives, or a grand symbiotic system in which countless lives are intertwined, continually influencing one another via their frequency, decisions, and actions.Each of us gets to choose whether we are emitting muddy or dim light, or bright, vibrant, light that brings greater beauty and regenerative creativity to the world.You can curate your frequency and contributions through a 4-step process.This can be easy at times, and an uphill climb at others, yet it's not spiritual bypassing. I offer examples.The democracy of frequency and the options it offers you are likely going to be make or break in what happens here on Earth. Those who believe there’s still plenty of hope for humanity and the Earth are the ones who are opening pathway after pathway for us to live in harmony with one another and the Earth. Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
53 Being an Advocate for Plants: Paul Moss
53 Being an Advocate for Plants: Paul Moss
Paul Moss is co-founder and executive director of The Plant Initiative  a nonprofit organization started in 2020 that works collaboratively with others to advance respectful treatment of plants. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota in the department of Geography, Environment and Society, where he is focusing on the relationship between people and plants. He has an undergraduate degree in biology, and masters' degrees in agronomy and marketing.Paul speaks about: His life-long connection with plants and respect for their sophistication.Plants as intelligent, responsive, and sentient beings, not objects, and the ethical issues these discoveries raise for human treatment of plants.The need for more people and organizations to advocate for the respectful treatment of plants, including in agriculture and the human diet.When we harm plants we harm ourselves, and when we help them, we help ourselves.How new scientific discoveries are leading us beyond our tendency to objectify and devalue plants, and books and talks to explore if you want to know more.Intuitive communication with plants.How cultural assumptions are way behind our actual scientific and intuitive insights about plants’ complexity and intelligence.Practical ways we can treat plants with respect, care, reciprocity, and gratitude and work toward creating a “worldwide democracy of all beings.”Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
49 Architects of a New Humanity: Rhetta Morgan
49 Architects of a New Humanity: Rhetta Morgan
Reverend Rhetta Morgan is an interfaith minister, facilitator, artist and healer.  Her work encompasses the intersections of spirituality, creativity and activism, all rooted in an intention to work and live in a more just world. She currently facilitates Anti-Bias work for the Anti-Defamation League, leads The Ecclesia Fortify Circle, a group that supports activists to develop spiritual practices, and recently returned from South Africa working as facilitator and healer with Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity. Find her at  If you want to be in service to love on this planet at this time, what can that look like? In this interview, Rhetta Morgan discusses how to do  the inner work needed so you can face domination in a potent way:In this tough time in our culture, it’s easy to lose touch with our vision for what we desire instead. Touching on awe can be regenerative for those who are feeling exhausted. “There is a way in which we can infuse the most difficult circumstances with a sense of power, awe, and sacredness.”We can face exactly where we are and how we feel, yet also take an empowered, compassionate, and visionary stance. This involves working with all of our identities, from victim to awe-maker, change-maker, and community nurturer.Wholeness and oneness are the lenses she finds most powerful: “It’s not about winning. The ‘right side’ is the ‘whole side,’ as healthy as we can get it.”It's time to believe in the legitimacy of your sense of mission or calling. “You’ve got to have a declaration: I am here to support this time! I am here to do what I can in this time.” Our ancestors and the planet require it. We must ask, “Who do I need to become so that I can answer that heart call?”“I like to imagine the electromagnetic field of Earth claiming me so that as I move, I move in service to her.”“I like to live as if it is possible for justice to be the way of the world…I am in the ‘yes’ of what is possible…We are called to stand before the ways culture works now and offer a different way.” Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
48 The Restorative Power of Endarkenment: Deborah Eden Tull
48 The Restorative Power of Endarkenment: Deborah Eden Tull
Deborah Eden Tull is a Zen meditation and mindfulness teacher, author, activist, and sustainability educator. She spent seven years training as a Buddhist monk  and has been living in sustainable communities for over 25 years. She teaches engaged awareness practice, which emphasizes the connection between personal awakening and global engagement. Eden draws upon teachings from the natural world and an embodied understanding of animism. She is the author of Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown and other books. Eden offers retreats, online courses, and consultations internationally. To learn more, go to If you’re an activist or a spiritual person, do you need ‘endarkenment’ as much as ‘enlightenment’? Hear Eden Tull explain in this interview why her answer is a resounding ‘yes.’In this conversation, Eden and I discuss: Why our ‘outer work’ of activism or contribution needs to be supported by ‘inner work’ that feeds compassion, resilience, and purpose. We are wildly creative beings who are meant to experience darkness “as the field of absolute rest and regeneration” that inspires our creativity.A ‘dark time’ can be a personal experience or an experience a people or culture are going through. It can be ‘dark’ as in ‘unpleasant,’ or ‘dark’ as in ‘mysterious, uncertain or visionary.’It’s counter-cultural to embrace darkness. But darkness includes beautiful halves of our reality such as the night, sleep, rest, interiority, sadness, wisdom, crisis, and fertile soil. Ignoring darkness within and without can be a mistake because suppressing or ignoring our grief or horror at the world’s suffering prevents us from acting in healing ways.Darkness can be a fertile space where we listen and discover creative solutions that are based in fierce compassion. “It’s in metabolizing our grief that we’re freed up to act in more constructive and creative ways.”How her book offers a structure for going into ‘dark’ spaces—whether meditation, open inquiry, or grief for a planet in crisis—and letting them be fertile instead of without life. Endarkenment can be a process of transmuting pain into vision and vitality.“We need to wake up more fully to our partnership with nature”—not by seeing ourselves as separate, but “by recognizing our innate oneness with the more than human world and Gaia consciousness…when we do this, we receive guidance and information.” Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
47: Shifting to a 'We' Culture: Nina Simons
47: Shifting to a 'We' Culture: Nina Simons
Nina Simons is the co-founder and Chief Relationship Officer at Bioneers and leads its Everywoman’s Leadership program. Bioneers is a nonprofit that uses media, convening, and connecting to lift up visionary and practical solutions for many of our most pressing social and  ecological challenges, revealing a regenerative and equitable future that’s within our reach today.  Nina is a social entrepreneur who is passionate about reinventing leadership, restoring the feminine, and co-creating a healthy, peaceful, and equitable world for all. Throughout her career spanning the nonprofit, social entrepreneurship, corporate, and philanthropic sectors, Nina has worked with nearly a thousand diverse women leaders across disciplines, race, class, age, orientation, and more to create conditions for mutual learning and leadership development.  She is the author of Nature, Culture, & the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, and of Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart.Hear Nina discuss:“We are in a paradigm shift from an ‘I’ culture to a ‘we’ culture.” “We are collectively co-creating a new world.”“The Earth needs us all to be leaders now.” And hierarchical models of leadership won’t provide the restoration that is needed.Her experience of redefining leadership as non-hierarchical and collaborative so that it became a role she could accept. What humans and Earth need is a “full-spectrum leadership” that departs from patriarchal values and instead values both feminine and masculine strengths and contributions. This leadership honors bodily and emotional wisdom as much as rational thought.We need to recognize that vital forms of leadership include parenting, art-making, teaching…”There are probably as many expressions of leadership as we are human beings.”“The most inspiring leaders I know are those that can show up with vulnerability and not knowing, turn to each other for help, and exercise what I call relational intelligence. They’re helping create a culture where transformation is possible.” We all become leaders by supporting these skills in ourselves and others.Our whole culture is up for review and renewal. We need to nurture this within models of regeneration, not depletion of self, others, and our planet. “It’s not really our power we’re reclaiming, it’s actually the power of life’s energy coming through us.”Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at
44 Regenerative Collaboration in Science and Spirituality
44 Regenerative Collaboration in Science and Spirituality
We’re experiencing a revolution in our understandings about how life on planet Earth really works. Hear why collaboration is actually how things are meant to function on Earth, and why that’s good news for anyone who cares about healing our planet and human well-being. I talk about what this means for your sense of hope, your own thriving, and your experience of connection to the people, plants, and animals with whom you co-exist on this lovely planet we call Earth.In this episode I cover:New scientific findings that are identifying collaboration as perhaps the most vital aspect of how life on Earth thrivesEvidence of how human cultures have been leaning more into collaboration for the past three centuriesWhat this means for your well-being and for our joint work of restoring our planet and human well-being. Despite the messiness occurring on planet Earth, there’s evidence everywhere that we’re outgrowing mistaken stories of domination and hierarchy. This is a thrilling time to be alive as science and spirituality converge in conversations about how we can renew life on Earth by witnessing and encouraging the collaborations that are fundamental to how Earth’s systems function. Collaboration is a key to turning life on Earth from foundering to flourishing.It’s up to us which story we choose, and which story we live inside.Kindly leave us a review so more people can discover the show.Follow Humans & Earth on Instagram at @schoolhumansearth Find us on Facebook at We're happy to hear your thoughts at