The wacky crazy cyborg future of AI, AR, VR, and brain-machine interfaces with Cathy Hackl

future39 with John Koetsier

25-05-2020 • 25 minutos

The augmented human and jobs of tomorrow, with Cathy Hackl ...

What will it mean to be human when we can plug into our computers? Today we plug our computers in to power. Tomorrow, we might plug ourselves into them.

AR and VR are changing how we see the world. AI and augmentation and brain-machine interfaces will change how we live, how we work, and how we play.

Cathy and I chat about HTC Vive, Magic Leap, Oculus Quest, brain-machine interfaces, Upload (the new show on Amazon Prime), and augmented intelligence. We also talk about Apple and where Apple's upcoming product will fit, as well as the convergence of AR and VR.

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