Funding moonshots: Creating tomorrow’s futures with today’s dollars

future39 with John Koetsier

18-01-2020 • 29 minutos

Tesla. Apple. Google. Facebook.

Every company inventing the future started somewhere … with an idea and an investment.

Where will tomorrow’s futures be invented?

Welcome to future39. I’m John Koetsier, and today we’re speaking with former Apple executive and current venture capitalist Daniel Gross.

Daniel says he wants to fund “moonshot ideas from hackers, side hustlers, builders, and tinkerers all over the world”

What we talk about:

- What are the biggest problems in the world today?

- Are solutions to those problems getting funded by VCs?

- Today’s “big tech” includes Facebook in social, Google in search, Apple in devices, Amazon in retail, Microsoft in productivity. (And much more, of course, in each case.) Where do you see the big companies of 10-20 years? What are they doing?

- The keys to scaling innovation are largely held by VCs with deep pocketbooks. Do you see that changing?

- Innovation clusters like Silicon Valley have led the past few technological revolutions. Will tomorrow be different?

- What is the future of the company? Do you see its organization/composition/location changing over the next decade?

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