SensitiveSlut Podcast

Miriam Diana

SensitiveSluts yearn for intimacy — both sexual adventure and lifetime partnerships. But we SensitiveSluts have such big hearts and deep passion that we feel desperate when we don't get what we desire. Worse, SensitiveSluts despair when a date or relationship doesn't pan out. Enter trauma-informed dating coach Miriam Diana! She has the practical tools to help you move through your pain, toward a vibrant love life. Tune in for advice related to attachment theory, as well as healing practices like self-cuddle meditations, sexmagic rituals, aspecting, and parts work/Internal Family Systems (IFS). read less
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Dating 🚩Red Flags🚩
Dating 🚩Red Flags🚩
Red flags in sports are thrown when a player behaves badly. Red flags in dating are known as indicators of someone who is bad for you. How do you know when a red flag arises? On a date, you know you’ve encountered a red flag if you have any of these somatic markers: your stomach turns, you freeze up, or you feel uncomfortable yet pressured to play it cool. The following may be red flags that indicate your date is avoidant of attachment: ​You reveal something about yourself, and they ignore it ​You can’t tell if they like you​You have to work to keep them interested​Their recent dating experiences are focused on uncommitted, casual sexIf you’re looking for a committed relationship and you encounter these things — and along with them you feel ill-at-ease — then these are red flags that this person won’t be available for a relationship. However, red flags in dating are not some long list of no-no’s that you keep in your head. Conscious dating is about getting OUT of your head! Besides, people can have all sorts of lists in their heads for things they SHOULD do that they don’t listen to. Red flags are often ignored because they come in a sexy package. The only way to see red flags and get yourself to turn the other way when you see them is to listen to yourself. Note how you feel with your best friend, or how you felt when you met someone who later became a good friend. Go for that feeling of ease! That’s the best way to avoid the feeling of, “Dang, I should have heeded those red flags.”Still: We all miss red flags. And we all see red flags but choose to ignore them. Beating yourself up is never helpful. Give yourself a break, and just try to cultivate safety next time. The goal is to keep feeling good, or at least neutral — as opposed to an up-up and down-down-crash roller coaster!
Pre-Date Emergency Toolkit (Part #2): "Put on Your Crown" — Guided Meditation
Pre-Date Emergency Toolkit (Part #2): "Put on Your Crown" — Guided Meditation
Freaking out before a date? Pick up this toolkit! After a story*, you'll hear a transformative visualization exercise that will calm the stressed-out part of you and EMPOWER your inner queen/king/nonbinary sovereign. This practice will help you feel grounded in your dignity. That means you can take a deep sense of peace and confidence to your date, showing up with your natural vibrancy and magnetism. *Before the guided imagery practice, conscious dating coach Miriam Diana will share a bad date story! Although the date ended awkwardly, it shows Miriam Diana's approach to dating: to see dating as life's biggest self-love challenge. If you like this meditation, be sure to listen to "Pre-Date Emergency Toolkit (Part #1): 3 tools to Nix Nervousness and Boost Confidence" ( More on the self-love philosophy to dating: Swiping on dating apps and going out with people brings a lot of mishegoss (that's Yiddish for wacky sh*t!). If you can see any challenge that comes your way as an opportunity to choose to love yourself — to choose the thing that lands in love — then you're doing it right. 

Seeing dating as an educational obstacle course that teaches you how to be compassionate to yourself will help you set better boundaries AND enjoy dating. Plus, it will help you have compassion for the people you're dating when they're actin' a fool (and not take it personally). ♡ ♡ ♡ Miriam Diana is a trauma-informed, love-life coach. She helps people of all genders use their imagination and their gut feelings to have more fulfilling love lives. ♡ ♡ ♡ Are you looking for growth in the areas of sex, sexual expression, love, dating, and relationships? Go to ⁠⁠!
Attachment Theory: Why SensitiveSluts Can Feel Anxious in Sex, Dating & Relationships
Attachment Theory: Why SensitiveSluts Can Feel Anxious in Sex, Dating & Relationships
Attachment Theory teaches us that humans are born with a need to form a close emotional bond with a caregiver. Our survival depends on bonding and belonging. When psychologists describe Attachment Theory today, they often explain that the type of bond you had with your caregivers when you were an infant strongly affects how you bond to people in intimate relationships as an adult. In fact, attachment theorists say that people tend to bond with sexual/romantic partners in 4 main ways: securely, anxiously, avoidantly, or chaotically (disorganized).  In this episode, trauma-informed dating coach Miriam Diana does a deep dive on the 4 main attachment styles, with a focus on anxiously attached folx. Anxious attachers tend to desire intense intimacy, reassurance, and love — but they’re prone to worry about their dating life and the people they’re dating. And if you’re an anxiously attached SensitiveSlut, watch out! Dating can feel like being pushed and pulled in different directions.  What’s the solution?  You can start by calming your nervous system with a guided meditation, which Miriam Diana provides in the latter half of the show. This exercise is great for people with any type of attachment style because it gives you a taste of how it might feel to have exactly what you desire in your love life. For the exercise, you will use your imagination and connect to your “felt sense” (how your emotions feel physically). Miriam Diana will guide you to visualize a secure attachment with someone safe — who also turns you on.  Want to connect with Miriam Diana?  Ask a question at and she will share her advice on the podcast! You can also inquire about coaching on Facebook — just search for “Miriam Diana Coaching.”
What is a "slut"? Where does the word "slut" come from? What is a "SensitiveSlut"?
What is a "slut"? Where does the word "slut" come from? What is a "SensitiveSlut"?
What is a “Slut”? Etymology lesson: The word "slut" is likely derived from the archaic German Schlutt meaning "slovenly woman. Slovenly has that same “slo” sound, means carelessly dirty — not dirty in the sexual sense, just in the untidy sense. Schlutt, slovenly, and slut all have that "slu" sound — similar to the following ooey-gooey, drippy mushy words: slug, slush, slurp, sludge, slop. The word "slut" also has the same initial sound as messy words like slob and slum. Perhaps, our current use of the word "slut" is related to the idea of a WAP — a moist, sexually receptive vagina.  In the 1300, the Canterbury Tales used “slut” to refer to a disheveled man. In the 1400s, some written works used the word “slut” for kitchen maids. And through to the 1700s, “slut” meant a LOT of different things, from a female dog to a candle made out of a rag dipped in lard. Mainly during that period, it was the female version of the word “scamp." Where a scamp is a mischievous boy, a slut was a girl who’s messy or a woman who doesn’t keep her house tidy — and doesn’t care. By the 1900s, the current meaning was cemented: a lowly, immoral woman who has too much sex — the kind of woman who just "gives it away" without any respect for herself; a woman who deserves to be judged and feel shame. As a SensitiveSlut, Miriam Diana says: screw that!  Why people should be sensitive about the word "slut" Using the word "slut" as an epithet is one of patriarchy's worst language-based weapons against women and girls.  Sex should not be something shameful — we all come from sex. And the bodies of people who have vaginas should not be shamed — every one of us came from a body with a uterus, likely a woman's body.  The concept of a "slut" is filled with hypocrisy, and is worthy of sacred rage. Women are expected to seem sexually receptive, but not to actually accept sex unless it is under the few situations proscribed by even more powerful men in society (such as religious leaders).  Reclaiming the word "slut" The SlutWalk is a global movement calling for an end to rape culture, slut shaming, and blaming sexual assault survivors. The rallies started in 2011 in Canada after a Toronto cop said "women should avoid dressing like sluts" to avoid rape. Women of color, particularly Black women, can have a different relationship with the word "slut" and the ability to go on SlutWalk marches than white women. One way this difference shows up: white women can enjoy more safety on a SlutWalk than women of color. Reclaiming the word "slut" is complicated. When Miriam Diana uses the word "slut," she is taking the power out of the word and feeling her inherent self-respect.  Feeling into your sacred rage AND your pleasure. At the end of the episode, Miriam Diana leads you in a Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). This exercise releases tension and connects you to feeling good in your body.