Our Heroes’ story: Kim and Kayla Reid
The Heroes of today’s episode are Kim and Kayla Reid who run a community organization called On Rock. On Rock has never stopped changing in response to what its community needs. Starting with a place to buy affordable Christian rock, it grew to be a drop-in center for youth at risk, a food bank, a pay-what-you can café, and a thrift store all serving one of the poorest postal codes in Canada. Following Tim and Kayla’s story, Dr. Louise Hayes - author of What Makes You Stronger: How to Thrive in the Face of Change and Uncertainty Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy talks about values and vitality as the center of a model of thriving and change. Using the DNA-V model, Louise will help us understand how to thrive when our world is constantly changing. Minutes 2:00 Kim on the development of On Rock from a place for at risk youth to gather and hear music, to include a food bank, a pay-what-you-can café, and a thrift store. 8:00 Kayla’s passion for community work 10:00 Creating a place that is cool and is welcoming while meeting community needs Our expert commentator: Louise Hayes - psychologist, author, ACT trainer 14:00 The model of how to help healthy people change and thrive, DNA-V: Discoverer, Noticer, and Advisor, Valuing and Vitality 17:20 Values and passions as the base for Kim and Kayla’s development of On Rock 19:40 Noticing and changing: how to overcome the feeling that I’m too small to make a difference 21:45 How values drove Kim and Kayla to the discoverer role; finding new ways to do things; moving out the comfort zone, diving in, and trying. 24:30 Values and vitality. How hero stories come from these things. 28:00 The advisor and taking risks: what we can predict and how valuing, noticing and discovering together can help take on risk 31:30 Noticing: finding ways to notice the world and notice our inner world 33:30 How to take action on values: starting small, pausing to ask what is my most important thing right now/today 35:20 How thinking about what you care about is tough; making it real 37:00 Going from thinking to action, the importance of saying it out loud, just take a step even if you don’t believe it, how tiny things grow if we suspend belief 41:30 “What will you do with your own wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver) 42:40 The importance of connecting with others, it is what we wake up for. Dr. Louise Hayes: psychologist, trainer, author of What Makes You Stronger: How to Thrive in the Face of Change and Uncertainty Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy https://www.louisehayes.com.au/ https://www.newharbinger.com/9781684038602/what-makes-you-stronger/