19 - Foundations not Fads

The Natural Process

06-03-2023 • 42 minutos

This episode is about the healing that can come from settling into building foundations with your health and nutrition rather than just continuing to adopt Fads. A Fad often is sexier and shared with more enthusiasm but it is short lived. Building a foundation is something you take with you throughout your life

Topics covered

- The importance of sticking to routine with grocery shopping, meal planning and cooking.
- The power of keeping it simple
- How Anni and Lydia practice IMPERFECT foundation building

This season is about peeling back the bullshit to help you come back into your body. Come on this journey of learning to listen and trust YOU. The more you can embody and give yourself permission to be YOU, the greater you can serve your family and community.

You can find Anni at @anniturunen

And Lydia at @internal.instinct