370-Self-Love & Hypnotherapy with Kim Basler

Going Beyond The Food Show

17-08-2023 • 34 minutos

This is a conversation that has been building for years between me and Kim Basler. We’ve been internet friends for years but had yet to spend time in 1-1 conversation.

Kim has a long history of dieting and decades as a fitness professional where her body was her “business card”. Today on the other side she shares her journey and how we be in love for our body!

What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Hypnotherapy & Self-Love:

  • How identities play into cycle of self-destructive behaviors
  • What is hypnosis
  • How to best use hypnosis and NLP for food and body image
  • Loving our bodies versus loving on our body

Mentioned in the show:

Undiet Your Life Program

Non-Diet Coaching Certification

Kim's Guided Self-Hypnosis