Trusting Yourself; Parenting Beyond Trends with Blimie Heller

The Franciska Show

09-07-2024 • 51 minutos

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Navigating Parenting Philosophies with Blimie Heller:
In this episode Franciska interviews parenting coach Blimie Heller. Blimie shares insights about her upbringing in an out-of-town Chasidic Orthodox Jewish family and discusses her professional background as a parenting coach. She emphasizes building relationships with children based on respect and trust rather than following rigid methodologies.
The discussion also covers the complexity of navigating various parenting philosophies, the importance of empathy over validation, and the need for parents to trust their own intuition.
Franciska and Blimie explore the challenges parents face with mixed messages from different experts and the pressure to adopt certain parenting styles. Blimie talks about her course and her evolving approach towards supporting parents without prescribing specific rules.
The episode concludes with reflections on maintaining personal authenticity while embracing different roles and dynamics in parenting.

About Our Guest:

Blimie Heller  is a dedicated parenting coach and advocate for unconditional parenting methods.

Her journey began when she found herself struggling with traditional parenting approaches, leading her to extensively research child development, attachment theory, and neuroscience.

Through this process, Blimie discovered the transformative power of unconditional parenting, which resonated deeply with her personal values and scientific understanding of child psychology. Implementing these methods in her own family, Blimie experienced significant positive changes, fueling her passion for sharing these techniques with other parents.

As a certified parenting coach, she now dedicates her career to helping families build stronger, more positive relationships through workshops, one-on-one coaching sessions, and online resources. Blimie's mission is to transform parenting experiences from stressful to joyful, emphasizing self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and adaptive strategies that evolve as children grow.

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