Detours, Questions, and Moving Forward: Lessons from an Unexpected Loss

Good in Motion

05-06-2024 • 15 minutos

If you're feeling lost and uncertain after a major life change, like the loss of a loved one, and struggling to find your routine, then you are not alone! It's common to feel a sense of disorientation and struggle to maintain your previous habits and plans in the face of unexpected loss.

Trying to keep up with your old routine may feel like a forced effort, leaving you feeling even more disconnected and disheartened.

And instead of finding stability, you may be left feeling like everything is in limbo, with no clear path forward.

You don't need to have the answers to keep going. —Juliette

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Embracing Unexpected Life Changes: Discover how to navigate and thrive through unexpected life changes with resilience and positivity.
  • Manifestation Exercises: Learn how manifestation exercises can transform your mindset and attract positive experiences into your life.
  • Finding Routine After a Loss: Explore ways to establish a new routine after a loss, bringing stability and comfort to your daily life.

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