Claudia Callisto - The Good Italian Girl and friends

Claudia Callisto

Based her best selling book "The Good Italian Girl" Claudia Callisto invites her fellow ethnic friends to join her for an Italian coffee catch up and share stories about life growing up with their immigrant parents. We reflect on both the highs and lows of our cultural experience and how it has shaped us as the strong and resilient ethnic women we are today and how it has influenced our own parenting style and life.. read less

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The Australian – Italian Travel Podcast Series - Visiting the Italian relatives with your Australian born children: Part 1
The Australian – Italian Travel Podcast Series - Visiting the Italian relatives with your Australian born children: Part 1
The Australian – Italian Travel Podcast Series - Visiting Italian relatives with your Australian-born children This new podcast series is about our family generation going travelling to Europe/ Italy and touring the amazing sites and visiting the Italian relatives and returning to your parent’s paese. Why do you think we still have this pull back to Italy to visit family with our kids?   Is this an Australian–Italian rite of passage thing do you think? Is it our responsibility as the first-generation children of immigrant parents to show the following generations where their grandparents come from?This new Travel Podcast series was instigated by a conversation with Claudia and her girlfriends who also recently returned from their European holiday in July about their similar and different experiences travelling overseas with their families.  This podcast is a light-hearted conversation about travelling with your family overseas. including practical and insightful conversations about the things you wished you knew before you travelled to Europe, what parts of your schedule worked well, the funny and difficult moments, locations and sites that were most loved by the family and why, how visiting the relatives made your kids feel, the kids reaction to places in Europe and now upon reflection the things you would do differently next time or advice you would give other families. The first episode is joined by Claudia’s friends Julia, Bianca and Margaret who also recently returned from their family overseas holiday in July 2023 with their families. Brought to you by Shining Light
The Australian – Italian Travel Podcast Series – Planning your overseas trip with your Australian Children to visit the Italian relatives and tour Europe: Part 2
The Australian – Italian Travel Podcast Series – Planning your overseas trip with your Australian Children to visit the Italian relatives and tour Europe: Part 2
Join me, your host Claudia Callisto, as I sit down with my good friends Luisa and Laura for an intimate chat about our unique travel experiences as first-generation Australian-Italians. We explore the fascinating journey of travelling overseas to visit Italian relatives and discuss if it's a rite of passage for Australian-Italian children. We share our funny and challenging moments, our favourite locations and sites, and provide some practical tips for planning a destination overseas. In this fascinating discussion, Luisa and Laura open up about their recent trip to Europe and the incredible coastal region of Bibione. We discuss the challenges they faced while travelling, the meticulous research and planning involved, and how the trip impacted their children. The girls share their experiences of travelling at different stages of their children's lives, and the benefits they have seen from these experiences. They also share the importance of introducing their children to their ancestral homeland.Listen in as we discuss the art of packing efficiently for a family trip, and share strategies for only taking the essentials. We also touch on the importance of taking direct flights to save money and the significance of factoring in check-in and check-out times when planning flights. Finally, we chat about the importance of maintaining connections with our Italian relatives and how these connections have shaped our identity. Whether you're planning your own trip to Italy or just love to travel, this episode is packed with valuable insights and hilarious stories.--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------(0:00:04) - Australian-Italian Travel Podcast SeriesWe discuss Italian relatives, first-gen Australian-Italian experiences, funny and difficult moments, and practical tips for overseas travel.(0:11:46) - Traveling in Europe and Tour ExperiencesLuisa and Laura discussed their trip to Bibione, the challenges of travelling with six people, and Luisa’s research and planning.(0:23:50) - European Trips' Impact on ChildrenLuisa and Laura discuss reconnecting with family, travelling with their own and other families, and planning trips to Europe with their children.(0:33:55) - Experiences in ItalyLuisa and Laura share their experiences travelling, shopping, people watching, and funny stories with their kids.(0:39:50) - Packing Tips for TravelingLuisa and Laura share travel tips, such as packing, pre-ordering snacks, and utilising lounge benefits.(0:45:02) - Travel Packing Tips and StrategiesPacking efficiently for a family trip, taking direct flights, and humorous stories are discussed.(0:57:05) - Challenges of Traveling and Maintaining ConnectionsLuisa and Laura discuss efficient packing, amusing shopping trips, and introducing their kids to their ancestral homeland.(1:07:38) - Practical Tips and Cultural InsightsLuisa and Laura plan trips, discuss homesteads, shopping at Gucci, and their travels to Bibione, Italy.Brought to you by Shining Light
The Barefoot Woman
The Barefoot Woman
Today on the Good Italian Girl and Friends podcast we meet another Australian – Italian first generation daughter from Adelaide named  Maria who also runs a side hustle called  The Barefoot Woman… yes folks she loves going barefoot at home to help her feel grounded.Her business services  however is something totally different in that she provides Malocchio removal, Tarot card readings, Business and House energy cleanses and Astrology.I was fascinated with the fact that this younger modern ethnic girl has inherited the art of Malocchio removal from her Italian-born Nonna and Mother and I not only had to try her services for myself but also interview her on my podcast.The belief in the evil eye, or "malocchio," is a fascinating aspect of Italian folklore and tradition. While its origins can be traced back to ancient times, the belief in the evil eye remains prevalent in modern Italian culture. In Italian folklore, it is believed that certain individuals have the power to harm others by merely looking at them with envy or jealousy. This harmful gaze is believed to cause misfortune, illness, or other forms of bad luck. To protect against the evil eye, various talismans, amulets, and rituals have been used throughout history.The mixing of oil and water is also a traditional method used in Italian folklore to check for the presence of the evil eye or a curse. The logic behind this tradition is based on the belief that the evil eye or negative energy can disrupt the natural harmony and balance of a person's life, causing illness, misfortune, or bad luck. For more information about the service provided by Maria contact her via instagram@thebarefootwomanBrought to you by Shining Light
Resilience, Tradition, and Leadership: Anna's Journey
Resilience, Tradition, and Leadership: Anna's Journey
In this heartfelt episode of The Good Italian Girl and Friends, Claudia Callisto warmly welcomes her long-time friend Anna for a deeply engaging conversation. Together, they delve into their shared experiences as first-generation daughters of Italian immigrants in Australia, reflecting on the unique blend of challenges and joys that shaped their upbringing. With vivid anecdotes, Anna paints a touching picture of her family's journey, highlighting the sacrifices made by her parents and the significance of maintaining cultural traditions in their new homeland.Anna opens up about her personal journey, starting with her early memories of growing up in a tight-knit Italian-Australian community. She shares how her parents, determined for their children to achieve more than they had, were instrumental in shaping her path. Her mother, in particular, was a guiding force, instilling in her a strong sense of family and duty.Despite initial reservations, Anna stepped out of her comfort zone at the age of 40 to pursue a passion for public service, running for local council elections with Campbelltown Council. To her delight, she won in her first campaign and has since been re-elected multiple times. Now, 14 years later, Anna holds a respected position as the deputy mayor, making a significant impact on her community.Throughout the episode, Anna reflects on how her cultural heritage has given her the resilience and strength to face life's challenges with positivity. Her story is not just one of personal triumph but also a testament to the enduring influence of cultural values and family traditions.Don't miss out on this inspiring episode filled with laughter, nostalgia, and valuable insights into the Italian-Australian experience. Tune in to The Good Italian Girl and Friends and join Coralie and Anna as they explore the power of tradition, the importance of family, and the courage it takes to step into leadership.Chapters:(00:00) Good Italian Girl podcast features first generation daughters of immigrant parents(01:31) Anna Nadlaid joins us on Green Hill Road this morning(01:46) Now please introduce yourself and how we know each other(02:17) John was part of the first generation of his family born in Australia(07:46) My parents were very hard workers. Market gardening was six and a half days a week(12:09) So how hard was it growing up in Australia at that time?(14:12) You actually mentioned about the dinner table. But was it a bit like in your home(16:27) Maria says her favourite memory growing up was dancing with her dad(20:44) Your favourite Italian song is el tul Mondo by Claudio Villa(21:01) So growing up in the younger days, in the eighties and nineties(23:17) Both your families come from the same village in Italy(27:11) That's how we used to meet people back in the day(27:35) What was your career aspirations after school? Anna says she worked in insurance(34:36) It's about going outside your little comfort zone. Yeah. It's about exploring new places(39:18) What would you now tell your younger ethnic self in retrospect(40:37) Paul says if there's something you want to do, do it now(44:59) Anna says she never stood her ground when it came to her parents(46:28) Aggie says her Italian parents still influence her decisions in life(48:54) What do you feel is your responsibility now that your parents are ageing(53:41) My career in hockey ended and started and ended in one game(53:57) You were part of our glory box exhibition which opened in 2023(58:50) The glory box exhibition highlights our mother's sacrifices for us(01:01:07) What do you love about serving our community? What's your favourite challenge(01:03:01) Claudia will be deputy mayor for Camptown city coBrought to you by Shining Light

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Shining Light
Shining Light
We are Claudia and Diana; two sisters who form the brand Shining Light.Our inspiration for the business stemmed from the challenges we both faced in our lives from our IVF story. The emotions which accompany the infertility journey were very overwhelming and difficult at times, however through the use of journals and positive affirmations that we both adopted we were able to believe that we had the inner strength to overcome any challenge life threw at us. In the end we both ever so grateful and fortunate to be Mums of one child each … our Shining Lights.We are now navigating the territory of the teenage years and the influences that impact today’s youth. More than ever this focuses a light on the need to enhance our children to be resilient and confident with a strong sense of self-worth. In essence, our business Shining Light aims at providing inspiration and promoting positive affirmations to all individuals to help them shine in their journey. Most importantly we all need to love and accept ourselves and others just the way we are.As individual women, sisters and mothers our business mantra ultimately focuses on providing positive inspiration to all individuals including being kind to one self.  For us our message is simply about: Supporting  each other and each others dreams . We believe that when one shines we all shineIts about living your best life Its about never stop dreaming and letting your dreams being your wings Its about believing that  you are never too old to start something new or have a new adventure Its about Its about being your awesome self and being true to yourself Its about acknowledging that life is complicated and that you have to learn to be happy right now and not wait for things to get better.. You simply need go just go ahead and take that chance …there is never a right time.Its about having happy thoughts and being kind to yourself and others Its about being yourself and accepting yourself as you who you and what size you are and ignoring negative comments from others  Its about being responsible for your inner voice  and making sure it is filled with constructive thoughts and not destructive thoughts that are filled with fear of failure . Its about taking a chance on things and giving it a go in life .Its about acknowledging that you will eventually get through the darkness and the light will shine again   Its about when all else fails BREATHING  in and out and give yourself a break and acknowledging  your doing the best you can .To find out more go to to you by Shining Light